募集情報Job Information

Senior Project Manager(シニアプロジェクトマネージャー)
As a Senior Project Manager(Delivery Lead) you will be responsible for overseeing the delivery of nCino projects. This role involves guiding projects to successful go-live implementation through your deep knowledge of nCino products, strong relationships with both internal and external stakeholders, and expertise in banking operations. Your responsibility will be to realize the business value that nCino is committed to delivering.
This position offers the opportunity for significant career growth by leading Japanese banks through the transformation journey, moving away from the structural challenges they face today—such as siloed data, fragmented processes, risk aversion, and a tendency to maintain the status quo—toward adopting the world-class business processes that nCino offers, thereby contributing to the sustainable development of Japan's financial institutions.
- Overall Responsibilities
- ・Responsible for leading and consulting customers through a digital transformation program using the Salesforce platform and nCino Cloud BankingPlatform.
・Responsible mentoring and assist with onboarding new project managers and a subject matter expert for features of select lines of business
・As a PSO revenue producing contributor you will work in tandem with an nCino Implementation Consultant(s) to evaluate the needs, processes, and policies of your client base, configure the nCino system in the most efficient way possible to meet those needs, and ultimately implement the system within the institution
・Drive the nCino single platform vision and adoption throughout the entire customer organization from executives to individual contributors
・Establish relationships with both technology partners and internal key stakeholders
・Work with product management team and senior leadership team to assist in prioritizing product enhancements to drive roadmap decisions, revenue, and customer retention
・Plan and designate program resources, communicate burn summaries, monitor progress, and keep stakeholders informed
・Serve as a point of escalation for nCino project delivery on customer issuesduring project
・Work with nCino implementation team consisting of Banking, Configuration, Integration and Product Development SME(s) to define the work breakdown and detailed tasks
・Utilize an Agile process to assess a customer's current state, determine future state, identify the gaps and implications of potential obstacles and risks
・Analyze the current and future state data, technical, application, identify dependencies and business architecture needed; verify and modify recommended implementation plan based on customer input and existing/inflight customer programs
・Assist customers with user acceptance testing of the nCino Cloud Banking Platform and train on methodology including streamlining, simplification and automation of tasks
・Provide regular updates to executive sponsor and internal nCino senior leadership on the status of each customer’s program delivery and detail the achievements against the agreed business metrics
・Ability to manage and deliver multiple complex programs concurrently Program Management
・Provide Subject Matter Expertise as it relates to the lending and banking environments
・Proven ability to provide guidance on nCino feature specific functionality across programs
・Perform detailed deeper dive product demonstrations for customers and internal teams
・Develop broad understanding of cross- organizational programs and operations across the nCino solutions and how those align with the Financial Institutions operating process
・Consult on program management processes, best practices and methodologies within the program teams
シニア・プロジェクトマネージャー(デリバリーリード)として、nCino のプロジェクトデリバリーの責任者の役割を担います。nCino の製品知識、社内外の利害関係者との⾼度な信頼関係、及び銀⾏業務への精通を通じてプロジェクトを成功裏に本番導⼊(Go live)に導き、nCino がコミットしているビジネスバリューを具現化する事に責任を負う仕事です。
⽇本の銀⾏が今⽇抱える構造的な課題(サイロ化されたデータ、プロセス、リスク回避、現状維持志向など)を脱却し、nCino が有する世界標準の業務プロセスへと変⾰する旅をリード頂き、⽇本の⾦融機関の持続可能な発展に貢献するという⼤きなキャリア拡⼤を⾒込んで頂けるポジションです。
- 全体的な責任
- ・Salesforce プラットフォームと nCino Cloud Banking Pla6orm を使⽤したデジタルトランスフォーメーションプログラムを通じて顧客をリードし、コンサルティングを⾏う責任
・新しいプロジェクトマネージャーや SME のメンタリングおよびオンボーディングを⽀援し、nCino Pla6orm 機能についての専⾨家としての役割を追う
・PSO の収益貢献者として、nCino 実装コンサルタントと連携してクライアントのニーズ、プロセス、ポリシーを評価し、それに最も効率的に対応するように nCino システムを構成し、最終的にシステムを組織内に実装する責任を負う
・組織全体において、経営層から個々の担当者に⾄るまで nCino のシングルプラットフォームのビジョンと実装を推進
・プロジェクト中に発⽣した問題に関して nCino プロジェクトデリバリーのエスカレーションポイントとして機能する
・銀⾏、設定、統合、および製品開発の専⾨家(SME)で構成される nCino 実装チームと協⼒して、作業分解および詳細なタスクを定義
・nCino 銀⾏運営システムのユーザー受け⼊れテストを顧客と共に⾏い、タスクの合理化、簡素化、⾃動化を含む⽅法論のトレーニングを⽀援
・各顧客のプログラムデリバリーの状況について、エグゼクティブスポンサーおよび内部の nCino 上級リーダーシップに定期的に更新し、合意されたビジネスメトリクスに対する成果を詳細に報告
貸付業務および銀⾏ビジネスに関する専⾨知識を提供nCino の特定の機能に関するプログラム横断的なガイダンスを提供する能⼒
・nCino ソリューション全体にわたる組織横断的なプログラムと運⽤を広く理解し、それが⾦融機関の運営プロセスとどのように⼀致するかを把握
・プログラムチーム内でプログラム管理プロセス、ベストプラクティス、⽅法論についてコンサルティングを⾏う - 応募資格(必須)
- Qualifications Required:
・A minimum of 8 years of related experience
・Previous financial industry experience, or the experience of working with the Bank required
・Understanding of Salesforce AppExchange
・Management of senior level relationships and developing high-value business relationships with complimentary software companies
・Proven ability to collaborate effectively with a cross-functional teams to align and coordinate internal resources
・Exceptional communication skills and an innovative problem-solving personality
・Familiarity and experience with project management tools, agile methodologies and strategies
・Proven ability to interact and communicate with customers in a professional, positive and constructive way; comfortable with public speaking and leading a meeting
・Proven ability and motivation to learn quickly and independently
・Robust organizational skills and ability to prioritize daily tasks, projects and workload to deliver according to the program schedule
・Strong analytical mindset; being able to observe a client’s current process and analyze how the nCino product will benefit them
・Proven ability to present and explain program specific information to diverse types of audiences
・関連する分野での最低 8 年の経験
・Salesforce AppExchange の理解
・顧客の現在のプロセスを観察し、nCino 製品がどのように利益をもたらすかを分析する能⼒
・多様なタイプの聴衆にプログラム固有の情報を提⽰および説明する能⼒ - 求める人物像
- The kind of person we are looking for (Required)
・People who can truly enjoy the success of others
・Able to respect the opinions of others
・People who can take on challenges and learn from their mistakes (people who have experienced personal growth from a big failure)
・Those who can think independently and take ownership for the team and do their best for success
・Open communication skills
・Interested in and enjoy starting up a company/business in the Japanese market
・Able to communicate proactively with nCino HQ
・People who can respect our culture called “Live the Six”.
・nCino 本社や他地域の仲間と積極的にコミュニケーションを取ることができる⼈
・"Live the Six"という⽂化を尊重できる⼈。